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Care & Industry together against CORONA. Oportunidades en eHealth.

La plataforma Care & Industry together against CORONA llega a su ecuador pues permanecerá operativa hasta el 31 de diciembre. En consecuencia, es el momento de seleccionar aquellos perfiles que más pueden interesar, entre las 1704 oportunidades de colaboración publicadas por las 790 empresas y centros de investigación de 37 países y


¡¡No pospongas más la petición de entrevistas,…………….

………………….cuando quieras hacerlo, puede que sea tarde!!

A continuación, y a modo de ejemplo, se publican algunos de los perfiles relacionados con App para el control del COVID19.

  • COVID-19 Prevention Tool: Mobile location data and technology to help control and stunt growing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.
    The company has developed a Data Management Platform which collects anonymous raw desktop and mobile data from user’s online activities. Prevention Tool uses big data analysis of mobile devices geolocation to create a customized message and warn users about being in proximity with the infected….

    Virus Alert App
    Free app to distance yourself from other people which helps to inform anonymously about possible risk of infection, protecting your privacy. It works in a fashion described here……

    “Big Analytics” knowledge to fight against COVID 19
    We discover your data universe and transform it into intelligent technology. We provide true value for decision making by processing and analysing your information, for the digital transformation of companies…..

    Solution for Social distancing monitoring and tracing – Covid19 related
    Covid-19 emergency has brought new scenarios in our daily lives, and adaptation to new needs becomes essential to start businesses again.
    Safety and prevention are the first goal, for this reason we offer innovative, modular, highly technological solutions that guarantees compliance with the rules of distancing, tracking and localization, indoors and outdoors.
    Our solution –  is based on the Bluetooth Low Energy protocol, which helps companies in the difficult task of maintaining the correct social distancing of customers and employees of a specific company. It is an indispensable support for people and companies, to prevent risks and intervene……


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