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Consulta pública sobre el nuevo marco político de la UE en materia de salud y seguridad en el trabajo: cuestionario para facilitar su opinión

The main purpose of this consultation is to gather insights and contributions from the public further to results of the evaluation of the European Strategy on Safety and Health at Work 2007-2012. This should help identify current and future challenges in the occupational safety and health area, and identify solutions to address these challenges. All…

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Consulta pública sobre los certificados complementarios de protección (CCP) y las exenciones de patentes con fines de investigación

Invitación para participar en la consulta publica, cumplimentando la encuesta correspondiente para que sus contribuciones puedan ser tenidas en cuenta en la normativa de la UE. Dirigida a : sector farmacéutico y agroquímico (grandes empresas, universidades, empresas de nueva creación y pequeñas y medianas empresas) la industria europea de los medicamentos genéricos y biosimilares y…

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Obligacion de indicar el origen de los alimentos de los productos alimenticios no elaborados de un único ingrediente y de ingredientes que no representen mas de un 50% de un alimentos.

According to the current EU rules, the indication of origin should be provided on foods whenever its absence is likely to mislead consumers as to the origin of that product. At present it is mandatory for beef and beef products (following the bovine spongiform encephalopathy crisis), fresh fruit and vegetables, wine, olive oil, eggs, honey…

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La UE requiere su opinión en la Consulta pública sobre mejora de medidas europeas para conseguir la eficiencia en edificios sostenibles

The European Commission wants to gather views and additional information on the possible introduction of EU wide measures to achieve better environmental performance of buildings. Resource use and related environmental impacts all along the life-cycle of buildings are in the scope. The consultation puts forward questions related to the problem definition as well as to…

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Consulta pública sobre la «Economía de la Experiencia» como industria emergente. Puede enviar su contribución a la UE a traves del cuestionario adjunto

The overall aim of this consultation is to better understand the relevance of setting up specific policy initiatives related to the “Experience Economy” and how to support the development of new industrial value chains. Through this consultation the European Commission aims at collecting stakeholders' views on: how to better define the "Experience Economy"; how strong…

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